By water and the Holy Spirit we are reborn children of God.
In baptism, God brings the newly baptized into a new relationship with God. That person then becomes part of God’s story of bringing light, life, and love to the whole world.

Since baptism brings the newly baptized into the fellowship of the Church, baptisms usually take place at one of the regular worship services of the congregation. We baptize people of all ages at Trinity, although most of our baptisms are for infants. In addition to parents being involved, sponsors are also named who take on the role of supporting the baptized person in the years to come.
Church membership of the parents is not required for a child to be baptized at Trinity. There is no fee for baptisms to the congregation or the pastor. To arrange for a baptism, please contact the church office at 952-955-1891 or
Cradle Roll – Birth to 3 years old
As soon as children are baptized at Trinity, they are placed on our "Cradle Roll" and begin to receive support from the very beginning as a part of our congregation's faith formation ministry. Specifically, this means that they begin receiving monthly mailings sent directly to their home that contains stories, prayers, and other support so that the whole family can grow in their faith together.