Keep Shining Beyond the Campaign
Over the past ten years, Trinity has held three capital campaigns that have resulted in a new addition to our building and new energy to our ministries. As we reach the end of the final campaign, we want to celebrate the reduction of our debt from $1.7 million to $200,000 – what an accomplishment! We also want to keep a strong commitment to this effort so that we can continue to pay off this debt in the near future while we also begin work on some other long awaited projects.
We are asking Trinity members to continue their commitment to Trinity’s Building/ Capital Appeal Fund so we can continue to manage our finances faithfully under God’s guidance. Gifts can be given online or by contacting Financial Secretary, Gail Cassidy at or 952-955-1891.
Thank you for your partnership and for being a part of the strong ministries at Trinity Lutheran Church!

Capital Campaign History
In 2013, Trinity embarked on a three-year capital campaign called, “In Christ, New Light”. This campaign raised over $681,000 and launched the building addition that included a new elevator, new gathering hall, new offices, better handicapped accessibility, and air conditioning for the entire facility.
In 2016, Trinity engaged in another three-year capital campaign called, “Shine Where You Are” to continue debt reduction on the building addition. This campaign raised over $667,000, almost as much as the first campaign!
Finally, in 2019, Trinity held a third campaign which raised over $382,000 under the theme, "Shine On and Share God's Light!" Through all of these campaigns, Trinity took a leap of faith in building a facility that would help us reach our goals of becoming a new kind of church that would not only help members connect their faith with their every day lives, but would also help the congregation reach out to the community in stronger ways.