Confirmation at Trinity
Grades 6 - 8
The Confirmation program at Trinity Lutheran Church begins as students enter 6th grade and concludes with the Affirmation of Baptism in the fall of 9th grade. Our hope is that, with the support of the students' families and the whole Trinity faith community, students deepen their relationships with God, ask insightful questions, and participate in fruitful discussion together during Confirmation.
Confirmation is a time for young people to connect with peers and adults in a way that supports their spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. Confirmation is a time for young people to grow in Christ, learn about God’s love, and encounter the Holy Spirit. Small group ministry is at the heart of Confirmation. In these safe and relational spaces called "Huddles", students dive into questions of faith with their "Huddle Guides" and talk about how their faith is lived out at home, in school, at church, and around the community. Engaging in discussions that lift up the importance of loving ourselves and our neighbors with grace and openness is woven into the fabric of this important ministry.​​​​
Questions about Confirmation?
Contact Pastor Engholm at