Lent at Trinity
Lent is a time for renewal and growth through worship, prayer and refection before the celebration of Easter. During Lent, we will be gathering each Wednesday evening for prayer, music, and a message from one of our faithful Trinity members on the theme from Hebrews 13:8: "Jesus Christ, the Same Yesterday, Today, and Forever". These words from scripture remind us that Jesus is the solid foundation of our lives, even in the midst of the changes that happen all around us.
Ash Wednesday
Wednesday, March 5
Worship at 7:00 pm ~ Onsite & Online
The Season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday. We’ll gather to hear a word of hope and peace, even as we are reminded of our limited lifespan here on earth: “Remember you are dust, and to dust you shall return.”
Lenten Midweek Services
Wednesdays, March 12, 19, 26, April 2, 9
Light meal from 5:30 - 6:30 pm
Worship at 7:00 pm ~ Onsite & Online
We will be gathering each Wednesday evening for prayer, music, and a message from one of our faithful Trinity members on the theme of "Jesus Christ, the Same Yesterday, Today, and Forever." Join us for these services each week and feel free to come early for a light meal served by our Confirmation students in the Fellowship Hall.
Holy Week
Palm Sunday, April 13
9:00 am Worship ~ Onsite & Online
Maundy Thursday, April 17
7:00 pm Worship ~ Onsite & Online
Good Friday, April 18
7:00 pm Worship ~ Onsite & Online​
Easter Sunday, April 20
9:00 am Worship ~ Online
9:00 & 10:30 am Worship ~ Onsite

Lenten Devotional
We invite you to spend time in prayer during this Lenten season with a special devotional book called There in God's Garden. Printed books are available at Trinity's Welcome Center or you can downloaded a digital version by clicking the button below.
Palm Sunday Continental Breakfast
Sunday, April 13
10:00 - 11:00 am
Join us for a Continental Breakfast on Palm Sunday, April 13 in the Fellowship Hall. Rolls, juice, and coffee will be served as we shout “Hosanna!” and launch into Holy Week.
Easter Egg Hunt
Palm Sunday, April 13
10:00 am
Families are invited to grab your baskets and head to Trinity to search for treat-filled eggs that remind us of the new life we receive in Christ. Meet in the Trinity parking lot for a short message before the big hunt!
Drive Thru Prayers
Monday - Friday, April 14-18
7:30 - 8:30 am
During Holy Week, Trinity will be offering prayers and free coffee to morning commuters driving by the church. All are invited to stop by the Trinity parking lot for a cup of coffee and a prayer to start your day.