Celebrating God’s Love During Life’s Journey
Along with our weekly worship life together, Trinity Lutheran Church also celebrates and acknowledges a number of special occasions during the course of a lifetime. These include baptism, first communion, confirmation, weddings and funerals. We are happy to walk with you in planning and preparing for these important events.

In baptism, God brings the newly baptized into a new relationship with God. That person then becomes part of God’s story of bringing light, life, and love to the whole world.
Since baptism brings the newly baptized into the fellowship of the Church, baptisms usually take place at one of the regular worship services of the congregation. We baptize people of all ages at Trinity, although most of our baptisms are for infants. In addition to parents being involved, sponsors are also named who take on the role of supporting the baptized person in the years to come.
Church membership of the parents is not required for a child to be baptized at Trinity. There is no fee for baptisms to the congregation or the pastor. To arrange for a baptism, please contact the church office either by phone, 952-955-1891, or email,

First Communion
Everyone is welcome at God's table of grace! Holy Communion is where we gather around the table to receive the body and blood of Christ through the bread and wine of this holy meal. The Bible tells the story like this: “In the night in which he was betrayed, our Lord Jesus took bread, and gave thanks, broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying: Take and eat; this is my body, given for you. Do this for the remembrance of me. Again, after supper, he took the cup, gave thanks, and gave it for all to drink, saying: This cup is the new covenant in my blood, shed for you and for all people for the forgiveness of sin. Do this for the remembrance of me.”
Each year we teach our Fifth Graders the basics of this Holy Meal, and how it is truly given for you for the forgiveness of sins and the new life that follows.
The Confirmation program at Trinity Lutheran Church begins as students enter 6th grade and concludes with the Affirmation of Baptism in the fall of 9th grade. Our hope is that, with the support of the students' families and the whole Trinity faith community, students deepen their relationships with God, ask insightful questions, and participate in fruitful discussion together during Confirmation.
Confirmation is a time for young people to connect with peers and adults in a way that supports their spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. Confirmation is a time for young people to grow in Christ, learn about God’s love, and encounter the Holy Spirit. Confirmation is a time for young people to give of themselves and serve as God’s hands and feet in the world. Students learn and practice what it means to live out their faith through connecting Bible stories and core Christian beliefs to everyday experiences.

Congratulations on your engagement! You are at the beginning of an important journey, and we are honored that you want Trinity to share in your joy on the day of your wedding. You will find information regarding marriage preparation, the wedding service, and appropriate fees in our Wedding Planning Handbook.​
To request a wedding date, please contact the church office either by phone, 952-955-1891, or email,
Celebrating the life of a loved one with a funeral or memorial service will provide comfort to you as well as others. Honoring the memory of your lost loved one creates a gathering of friends and family to mourn the loss, and provides a means to support one another. Remembering and sharing stories of our interactions with other people is an important part of our healing through the life and death experience.
We offer our deepest sympathy to you and your family, and hope the information provided in our Funeral and Memorial Service Handbook will help to guide you through this difficult time of saying farewell. Please contact the church office either by phone, 952-955-1891, or email,, with any questions you might have.