Share in God's Love by Serving Others
As followers of Jesus, we are called to serve! At Trinity, we invite you to answer this call to serve and put your faith into action with opportunities both inside and outside our walls. Explore the opportunities below to find ways you can live faithfully and change lives at Trinity and in our community.

Serve at Church
The church is a great place to serve. Trinity offers many opportunities to use the unique gifts, talents and abilities that God has given you to participate in worship and in the life of the church. Consider how you can help further the faith of our congregation through your involvement. When you're ready, complete the form below.
Serve during worship as an usher, lector or communion assistant, sing or play in a choir or music group, be a part of the Altar Guild or bring the message of Christ to the youngest in our congregation with a Children's Moment.
Reach out through grace and hospitality as a Sunday morning coffee server, help with funeral luncheons, visit members who are homebound as an Outreach Visitor or use your hands in service with the Apostles (light property maintenance) or the Heavenly Housekeepers (light cleaning projects).
Share your talents of leadership as a Sunday School leader, Confirmation Huddle Guide, Bible Study leader or as a part of one of Trinity's Ministry Teams. Explore our website or view the Serve at Church form to learn more about the many service opportunities at Trinity.

Serve Locally
Trinity Lutheran Church shares the love of Christ in Watertown and beyond through service and generosity. Through partnerships with many local organizations we find ways to reach out and make a difference in the lives of our neighbors. Learn more about these service opportunities below and find a way you might put your faith into action.
Love INC Heartland is a neighbor helping neighbor organization designed to mobilize area churches to help meet the needs of their neighbors. Trinity supports Love INC Heartland by donating personal care items for their Fresh Start Program. These items are delivered to individuals and families in Watertown and in surrounding communities. Donations can be dropped off at Trinity's Donation Stations anytime. Visit to learn more.
Watertown Friends For Life Food Shelf provides food and personal care items for people in the Watertown and surrounding communities. Through regular donations and holiday food drives, Trinity is able to help those in our own community who are struggling with food insecurity. Food shelf donations can be dropped off at Trinity's Donation Stations anytime. Visit to learn more.
Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota advocates and provides services for adoptive parents, children, homeless youth, people with disabilities and the elderly in Minnesota. These services seek to help all people live and work in the community with safety, dignity, and hope. Trinity offers service opportunities to support Lutheran Social Service throughout the year for adults, youth and families. Visit to learn more.

Serve Globally
As a part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA), Trinity has the opportunity to serve globally. Through these global partnerships, we are empowered to reach out to our sisters and brothers around the world as we act as Christ’s hands and feet to those in need of God’s love.
ELCA Global Mission helps grow the Lutheran church around the world. Your donations send missionaries and volunteers to work alongside our global companions, train leaders, plant new churches and grow existing ones. Global Mission Support for one week is $25. We invite and encourage you to sign up on the calendar in the back of the sanctuary for a week of support. You can donate online or drop off a check or cash at the church office.
ELCA Good Gifts provides more than 50 different gift-giving options that grow the church, fight hunger and transform lives. These gifts include farm animals to help communities with sustainable food and income, health and medical supplies, and food security resources. These donations provide direct support for the church wide ministries of the ELCA around the world. Learn more at
ELCA Disaster Response brings God’s hope, healing and renewal to people whose lives have been disrupted by disasters in the United States and around the world. Visit for more information.
Feed My Starving Children As a Christian non-profit organization, Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) is called to feed God’s starving children hungry in body and spirit. Meals are specially formulated for malnourished children and are packed by hand. They are then donated to FMSC food partners around the world, where kids are fed and lives are saved!
Would you like to serve at Trinity?
To learn more about any of the service opportunities listed here, please contact the church office at 952-955-1891 or