Children's Ministry Virtual Corner
Welcome to Trinity’s Children’s Ministry Virtual Corner! On this page, you’ll find videos and information on how to follow along with our Sunday School curriculum from your home, on your phone, or wherever you are! Each month, we’ll post the weekly “Big Idea”, Bible stories, and learning videos for you to enjoy.
If you plan on following along each week and would like the coloring pages that accompany each week’s Big Idea and a Spark Children's Bible to read the bible stories at home, please contact Chelsea Farniok at
Theme of the Month: Subscribe Now
If only we could really get to know the people behind our favorite YouTube channels! The ability to “subscribe now” gives people the impression that connection is that easy. But connection takes a bit more effort – it takes following and learning from those we want to know. Kids look for places of belonging, placeswhere forgiveness exists, places where they can experience a genuine connection. The Gospels teach
us that places like these exist. In these stories, kids learn that we can know God through Jesus, we can know forgiveness because of Jesus, that Jesus knows us and wants us to follow him. The message of Jesus is powerful and is something we can subscribe to!
Memory Verse
Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life.
No one comes to the father except through me."
— John 14:6 (NIV)
Week 1
This week, we follow the story of why Jesus came to the world.
The Big Idea
Week 3
This week, we follow the story of Jesus calling Philip and Nathanael to be his disciples.
The Big Idea
Week 2
This week, we follow the story of Jesus being baptized by John the Baptist.
The Big Idea
Week 4
This week, we follow the story of Jesus calling Andrew and Peter to be his disciples.
The Big Idea
Week 5
This week, kids follow the story of Jesus helping a suffering man, who was tormented by an evil spirit.
The Big Idea
Questions about Children's Ministry?
Contact Children's Ministry Coordinator, Chelsea Farniok at