Children's Ministry Virtual Corner
Welcome to Trinity’s Children’s Ministry Virtual Corner! On this page, you’ll find videos and information on how to follow along with our Sunday School curriculum from your home, on your phone, or wherever you are! Each month, we’ll post the weekly “Big Idea”, Bible stories, and learning videos for you to enjoy.
If you plan on following along each week and would like the coloring pages that accompany each week’s Big Idea and a Spark Children's Bible to read the bible stories at home, please contact Chelsea Farniok at
Theme of the Month: Rise Up

Grab your hiking boots and pitch a tent. It’s time to summit through the story of Jesus, who rose from death and gave us everything we need for our journey. This month, we’re learning about how the miracle of Jesus’ resurrection strengthens us and changes our relationships in the best way. Everyone will have a chance to put these ideas in their backpack to carry with them always: Jesus overcame death. Jesus
connects us to each other. Jesus gives encouragement. We are stronger with Jesus.
Memory Verse
If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart
that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
— Romans 10:9 (NIV)
Week 1
This week, we learn that Jesus rose up from the dead.
The Big Idea

Week 3
This week, we learn that Jesus helps his friends rise up when they’re feeling down.
The Big Idea

Week 2
This week, we learn that hope was rising up as Jesus appeared to his disciples.
The Big Idea

Week 4
This week, we learn that Jesus rises up to heaven but promises to always be with us.
The Big Idea

Bible Story
Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:3-11
(Spark Bible, pages 496-499)
Questions about Children's Ministry?
Contact Children's Ministry Coordinator, Chelsea Farniok at