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Worship Volunteers


Good worship happens with good volunteers. Here at Trinity, volunteers are a vital part of our worship experience. There are numerous ways to volunteer on a Sunday morning, from ushering, lectoring or serving coffee to Altar Guild or assisting with communion — there is always a need for a few more hands to help out. Whether it’s your whole family or just you as an individual, please consider how you would like to volunteer.


If you would like to volunteer at Trinity or would like more information, please contact the church office at or 952-955-1891.






Ushers are the “face” of the church – for those who attend worship every Sunday as well as for those who are walking though our doors for the first time — we want everyone to know they are welcome at Trinity. Duties include assisting with seating and general "traffic" flow for our indoor and outdoor worship services and helping people with any special needs. Training will be provided.







Along with the pastor, lectors proclaim the Word of God by reading the scripture lessons during worship. Hearing God’s Word is one of the most important reasons for gathering to worship and the lector duties are an important part of the worship celebration.





Coffee Hosts


Trinity offers coffee and refreshments during Fellowship Hour each Sunday following worship. Serving coffee is a wonderful way to share your generosity through hospitality. Two Coffe Host volunteers are needed each week to prepare and serve coffee. Supplies and instructions are provided.





Communion Assistants


A Communion Assistant is charged with one of the most important assignments of the liturgy; the distribution of Holy Communion to the congregation. Training is available.





Altar Guild


The Altar Guild ministry is a gift of time and talent to serve God in His house by preparing the chancel area for worship. This includes preparing communion, monitoring paraments, candles, altar flowers and other elements needing care prior to celebrating God's saving love and grace in worship. Training will be provided.





Livestream / Audio Tech


Livestream and Audio volunteers play a crucial role in ensuring that worship services are accessible, engaging, and spiritually meaningful for both in-person and online participants. Duties include operating cameras and sound equipment for all of our recorded or livestreamed worship services. Training will be provided.




More Ways to Volunteer



Ministry Teams


Trinity is a lay led congregation, where congregational members take on leadership roles and our pastor provides guidance and support. Trinity’s Ministry Teams are led by volunteers who are passionate about sharing the love of Jesus Christ in various ways. They are committed to the success of the mission and ministries of Trinity Lutheran Church and welcome those who are interested in being a part of that passion. To learn more about our Ministry Teams, visit our MINISTRIES page or contact  the church office at or 952-955-1891.



Funeral/Memorial Service Team


The Funeral/Memorial Service Team facilitates a time of food and fellowship following a funeral or memorial service held at our church. A chairperson coordinates each event and volunteers are asked to provide cake or bars, set up and serve during the luncheon or clean up afterwards. If you would like to be on the Funeral/Memorial Service Team Volunteer list, please contact Eileen Nelson952-955-1491.



Church Office Volunteers


Volunteer opportunities in the church office include preparing bulletins each week, light clerical work, preparing church mailings and various other duties. If you would like to volunteer and are available daytimes during the week, please contact Robyn Behrens, 952-955-1891.



Special Events


There are always opportunities to volunteer at Trinity. As special events are planned, bulletin, newsletter and worship announcements will call for volunteers as needed. You are always welcome to lend a hand.




Would you like to serve or volunteer at Trinity?

Explore our website to learn more about the many service opportunities at Trinity. When you are ready, complete the Serve at Church form below or contact the church office.


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